Tuesday 30 July 2013

A Good Phrase I Learnt

I remembered a phrase I learnt last year and it means to be very happy.

Here it is: On cloud 9

Over the moon


This should be quite good for Primary 4's.

For cautious:

Apprehensive, careful.

Don't believe everything ,though I'm sure they're right.

Friday 15 February 2013

Introduction to those 1st few who has ever visited this blog.

This is a just for fun blog! If you ever come across this blog, do post a smiley on the comments and use your actual name. Please also observe these rules:

1: No hate speech. If you have any comments, use a nice way to say it. Otherwise, keep it to yourself. 

2: No words like "idiot", "stupid" or "jerk" is to be used.

3: Do not insult others or highlight them out (not literally) by their gender or disabilities.

4: Respect  each other.

5: If you find someone breaking the rules, post on the comments.

P.S. If you spot any problems in the posts, comments, please tell me.

Thank you.